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Is there any best practice to using/installing a solution for fully local full-text search like Google was providing years ago with Google Desktop? I don't want anything that "needs to be connected to internet", or even worse - fully cloud based service. It has to be local, with local indexing. I have over 30TB of files in various formats, and would like to have some portal that I can use to do full search over that trove of data, using preferably WWW interface of some VM that is dedicated. I have sub-pixel anti-aliasing set to none (via Xfce settings) and “gray” (via /etc/fonts). Despite these, text in the built-in PDF viewer is shown with what I find to be obvious colour fringing. Download ebook The Confessions of Congressman X by Congressman X PDF ePub mobi gt A devastating inside look at the dark side of Congress as revealed by one of its own! No wonder Congressman X wants to remain anonymous for fear of retribution. His admissions are deeply disturbing. gt "Most of my colleagues are dishonest career politicians who revel in the power and special-interest money that's lavished upon them." gt "My main job is to keep my job, to get reelected. It takes. Cigarette Smoking and Heart Rate Variability: Dynamic Influence of Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Maneuvers. Hi, if I draw a square in an Illustrator file, in CMYK mode, fill it with 100% yellow, for example, I want my cmyk inkjet printer to print a solid square of 100% yellow ink, and nothing else. If I add 50% M to the square, I want the printer to output exactly that; 100% Y, 50% M. However, there are so many settings at work, and I never seem to be able to prevent color management processes between Illustrator, the printer drivers, and the system display settings from somehow skewing this output. I've have this regex that I'm currently using: amp#x200B; $string !~ /\.(pdf jpe?g gif png webp)$/i amp#x200B; I'm trying to negate this so that I could do: amp#x200B; $string =~ $negated_regex amp#x200B; And it will have the same result. I've tried using negative look ahead assertions and negative look behind assertions, but this is my first time using these and I haven't had any luck. Does anyone know how this can be done? (Sorry, I wanted to provide what I had tried. When reading a book on your kindle, if you press and hold a word, it shows you the definition of that word from the dictionary. This works well and fine when reading an azw3 or mobi file, but I noticed that it is sometimes very hard if not downright impossible to select a single word for definition when reading a PDF file. It selects every single word above or below the one you wanted to select and highlights them. My question is, if others face this problem too and if there is a fix for that. They may seem like small fry compared to say, a volcano, but these fires are directly releasing massive carbon stores into the atmosphere and have done so for decades. Are there any studies done on their contribution to climate change? Are there any theoretical or practical ways being researched I don't know how to phrase this correctly. I'm really new to this emacs world. I've been starting to learn emacs little by little by wacthing some videos on Youtube. Recently, I learnt how to put your emacs config in a org file. I really like it. It made my config much easier to manage. Now I've been wondering how to work with latex in similar fashion with that. I mean breaking down your actual latex code into several src blocks, then stripped the code from the org file into a tex file. I need help finding the test results for the tests listed below for Mycobacterium smegmatis. I have looked everywhere and cant find a credible source that has all of these test results. PR Glucose PR Lactose PR Sucrose PR Mannitol Citrate Catalase Sulfur, indole, and Motility (SIM) Hemolysis Urea Methyl Red-Voges Proskauer (MR-VP). Can anyone tell me where there is a technical or rigorous definition of the expression amp#x200B; E\ X X gt a\ amp#x200B; where X is a random variable and a is a constant. amp#x200B; I can see that this must be equal to amp#x200B; E\ X X lt a\ = int\_-oo\^a f(x) dx / F\_X(a) amp#x200B; but is there a textbook from SOA that actually defines this expression? There are definitions of E\ X Y\ and E\ X Y = a\ but not E\ X X gt a\ amp#x200B; Thanks.